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- Savana Bekol
Savana Bekol
Come early morning. I came a bit late but still managed to see the animals. Locals said afternoon is the most crowded, so my next visit wil be early in the morning. Gorgeous view on the way to the savana.
Jul 07, 2024
Been here countless of time and still want to pay a visit a lot more. Great savanna, OK beach, splendid mangroves and mesmerizing views along the entrance and during the stay regardless the time of visit. Mostly common animal that you can see is forest chickens, wild monkeys, various wild birds, peacocks, deers, bulls, and more. The entrance road (and exit as well) was in great condition, smooth asphalt even though a bit bumpy. Ticket price is affordable for both local and int.tourists. Most recommended place to stop by if you ever pass this Situbondo area in East Java.
Nov 08, 2023
Beautiful savanna with lush green and yellowish vegetation, as well as wild animals. Accessible tourist spot where you can wander around and take some pictures to decorate your social media grids
May 03, 2023
I'm amazed by all, everything was beautiful to see animals in the wild, the experience until Bama beach. all ok. in the entrance there's souvenir shop who sale Jamu Afrika Van Java very recommended delicious also healthy.
Jul 14, 2024
It was rainy when we went there so the view of Baluran mountain looks gloomy. We got to see monkeys, bulls and deers. The monkeys sometimes got aggressive when they smells food/snacks, so please be careful.
May 14, 2023
Savana Bekol Intro
Savana Bekol adalah tempat wisata yang menyenangkan dan menjanjikan di Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Terletak di Area Hutan/Kebun, Sumberwaru, Savana Bekol menawarkan pengalaman berwisata alam yang unik dengan paduangan hewan liar dan pemandangan alam yang memesona.
Beberapa ulasan positif dari wisatawan yang telah mengunjungi tempat ini menyebutkan bahwa Savana Bekol memiliki:
- Koleksi hewan liar seperti ayam hutan, monyet liar, burung-burung liar, peacock, kijang, dan banteng.
- Lingkungan alami yang menakjubkan dengan pemandangan savanna, pantai, dan mangrove yang indah.
Banyak wisatawan yang merekomendasikan untuk datang lebih pagi agar menghindari keramaian. Jalan masuk dan keluar ke tempat ini dalam kondisi baik dengan aspal yang mulus meski sedikit berlubang.
Selain itu, harga tiketnya terjangkau untuk wisatawan lokal maupun internasional. Banyak yang merasa bahwa Savana Bekol adalah destinasi wajib dikunjungi ketika melintas wilayah Situbondo.