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Can't get a view of the waterfall yet because the waves are big, Difficulty level of road access is medium category, can only be reached by 2-wheeled vehicles, go down to the beach using stairs
Dec 25, 2024
If you have plans to go to this beach, think carefully, because the road to this beach requires a motorbike through a 1.5km sugar cane plantation. After that you have to park your motorbike in a sugar cane plantation which is approximately 100 meters from the beach. You have to walk through the sugar cane from where your motorbike is parked to get to the beach.
Jun 13, 2021
Umbul Waru Beach is called the waru tree which immediately releases clear water from its roots, the source of which is a holy spring, the beach is comfortable, cool, beautiful, but the road access to get there is still macadam and not yet a tourist spot, so it's just a plain beach, but if you want to visit, please use 2 wheels and 4 wheels, you can't because the road access is difficult.
Sep 05, 2024
A very beautiful beach in South Blitar, the air is cool and the waves are charming, the waves are not too high, the sand on the beach is white, if you want to come here, there are no facilities yet, bring your own supplies because there are no stalls at all, the road is still rocky. If you want to come here, turn around Duru via the road from Pangi Beach then the route is to the west, you can go straight to the beach by 2 wheels and have to go through steep, slippery and narrow roads, automatic motorbikes usually crash, it's best to take a motorbike like Treal, KLX or CRF. The facilities have not been built, only part of my road has been cast in concrete but it is still broken up, the beach has to go down a cliff first down about 30 meters to get to the beautiful and charming beach.
Oct 23, 2021
Cool. Even though it's a struggle to reach the location, the tide can't go down. If the low tide is not much, you can't take photos under the waterfall. But still satisfying👌
May 20, 2021
Pantai Umbul Waru Blitar adalah destinasi wisata alam yang menjanjikan di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Dengan pasir putih dan air laut yang jernih, pantai ini menjadi tempat favorit untuk berenang dan bersuntings. Keberadaan tebing dan air terjun yang belum dapat dilihat karena ombak yang besar menambahkan daya tarik tersendiri.
Akses ke Pantai Umbul Waru Blitar tidak mudah, dengan jalan setapak yang memerlukan kendaraan dua roda. Pengunjung harus bersiap untuk melintasi 1,5 km lahan sugi dan berjalan kaki sekitar 100 meter dari tempat parkir ke pantai. Namun, perjalanan ini membuahkan hasil dengan pemandangan alam yang belum tercemar.
- Sesuai ulasan pengunjung, akses jalan setapak memiliki tingkat kesulitan sedang.
- Untuk mencapai pantai, diperlukan motor dan ketelitian dalam melintasi lahan sugi.
- Parkir motor di lahan sugi dan berjalan kaki menjadi bagian dari pengalaman mengunjungi Pantai Umbul Waru Blitar.
- Beach lovers yang menyukai tantangan dan keaslian alam akan menikmati kunjungan ke pantai ini.
Berdasarkan ulasan pelanggan, beberapa pengunjung merasa bahwa perjalanan ke Pantai Umbul Waru Blitar membutuhkan pertimbangan karena akses yang sulit. Namun, mereka juga mengapresiasi keindahan alam dan ketidakjadian wisatawan di lokasi ini.