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  5. Pantai Ria Bomo

Pantai Ria Bomo


N Noor Anisa My

The beach is wide and nice, but the facilities are inadequate... such as bathrooms and prayer rooms

Dec 07, 2024

P Puri 23

A fun place to hang out in the afternoon... and lots of people selling too... but unfortunately there's a lot of rubbish too

Oct 27, 2024

h habib hasan

The beach is getting better because it is well managed. My suggestion is that if you have the funds, try the beach management by adding beach games, for example holding a boat for passengers who want to ride around the beach or adding a rubber boat towed by a boat. You can also provide a place for volleyball/beach football and various other games according to the budget/funds that allow visitors to be more interested 🙏🏻🙏🏻😊👍🏻👍🏻

Oct 12, 2024

d d. agus arifianto

🚤Alternative beach in the area west of Banyuwangi Blimbingsari airport✈. From the main road Srono-Banyuwangi, it's about 6km🚘🛵. The driveway is in need of repair🚦🚧. It is a fishing beach and a conservation beach for hatchlings (turtle hatchlings). The beach is black sand. The beach is sloping with relatively 🌊 waves🏊‍♂️🤽‍♀️🤹‍♀️ safe for teenagers and adults. For children, they can play in the sand quietly on the beach. There are public toilet facilities, a place for rinsing that is quite clean and designed with local wisdom. Clean water is available that is smooth and not 💧 ithir-ithir.. The typical pavilion of the Osing building. The beach still looks like it has been arranged ⛏🔨 further regarding the parking area and access road to the location.

Dec 27, 2022


Masya Allah, it's really fun, go there at night, the wind is not strong, it doesn't make you catch a cold, the waves are not bad, wow, but you have to try bathing there at night, it's really fresh, not cold, not hot, if you don't rush to close the bathroom, you'll want to take a long time soak up there The bathroom is clean Unfortunately, I don't know how much the entry ticket and ticket to go to the bathroom are, because I went there with my brother whose house is near that area and everything was closed there, including the lights, and it was already off, so everything was free, thank God. It's really recommended to go there when the sun has set, try the feeling of bathing on the beach at night If you're in Bali, you won't find a beach that can be as fun as bathing after sunset, because the wind is super strong, you'll catch a cold even if you stay on the coast, you won't have the desire to dive into the sea. But really, this one is really different, I want to go back and forth there because it's that amazing to me, mashaAllah💕

Dec 03, 2024

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Pantai Ria Bomo Intro

Pantai Ria Bomo adalah destinasi wisata yang menjanjikan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Dikenal dengan keindahan alamnya yang mempesona dan panorama laut yang menawan, pantai ini menjadi tujuan favorit untuk berbagai kegiatan rekreasi dan bersosialisasi.

Berlokasi di Jl. Pantai Bomo, Dusun Krajan, Bomo, Kec. Rogojampi, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Pantai Ria Bomo menawarkan suasana yang sejuk dan menyegarkan dengan pasir putih serta air laut yang jernih. Keberadaannya tidak hanya menjadi tempat untuk bersantai, tetapi juga ideal untuk kegiatan olahraga air dan wisata kultur.

  • fasilitas: Area parkir yang luas, gazebo untuk duduk, dan spot berfoto yang menjanjikan.
  • Buka setiap hari: Dari pukul 06:00 - 19:00 WIB (tergantung hari).
  • Aktivitas: Berenang, berjemur, dan menikmati pemandangan sunset yang spektakuler.

Pantai Ria Bomo juga menjadi tempat favorit untuk menghabiskan waktu siang atau sore karena cuacanya yang menyenangkan. Beberapa wisatawan menyebutnya sebagai "tempat yang menyenangkan untuk bersosialisasi" meskipun ada beberapa masukan seperti kurangnya fasilitas umum dan kebersihan yang perlu ditingkatkan.

Beberapa ulasan positif dari pengunjung:

  • "Tempat yang menyenangkan untuk berjemur dan menikmati pemandangan." - Wisatawan lokal
  • "Pantai yang indah dengan pasir putih, walaupun fasilitasnya terbatas." - Ulasan dari pelancong

Pantai Ria Bomo adalah pilihan yang menjanjikan untuk dikunjungi baik bersama keluarga maupun teman-teman. Jangan lupa untuk menjaga lingkungan dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan agar keindahan alam ini tetap terjaga untuk generasi mendatang.


Monday, 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday, 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM
