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- Padang Savana Paseban
Padang Savana Paseban
Dec 28, 2024
Great, Fisherman village
Jul 11, 2024
English Padang Savana was on my list of places to visit during my descent from the Tumpak Sewu waterfalls region. Reading the comments it seemed to me that it was an interesting and relaxing place a bit like the marshes of the Atlantic coast. In the end I must admit that I only stayed there for 15 minutes as the site has little interest, or perhaps eventually to camp there for a night and again I am sure that one of the many beaches in the region will bring you more satisfaction. No really, in my opinion it is one of those few places on Google Map that are embellished by the opinions of local residents but which certainly do not justify stopping there. I would even go so far as to say that the road that runs along the coast that you have to take to get to this destination is much more pleasant and enjoyable French Padang Savana was on my list of places to visit during my descent from the Tumpak Sewu waterfall area. Reading the comments it seemed to me that it was an interesting and relaxing place, a bit like the marshes of the Atlantic coast. In the end I must admit that I only stayed there for 15 minutes because the site is of little interest, or perhaps possibly to camp there for a night and once again I am sure that one of the many beaches of the region will bring you more satisfaction. No really, in my opinion it's one of those rare places on Google Map which are enhanced by the opinions of local inhabitants but which certainly don't justify stopping there. I would even go so far as to say that the road along the coast that you have to take to get to this destination is much more pleasant and pleasant.
Sep 30, 2024
Came here because of TikTok but when I got there it turned out it wasn't as good as in the video, especially as there were kebo kebo roaming around which disturbed me when taking a photo/video
Jan 18, 2025
The view is good but the advice if you come here is only at high tide because at low tide it's a bit less aesthetic 😅 oh yes it turns out there is an entrance ticket of IDR 5,000/motorbike, but it's really nice in the afternoon if you come here 😁😁
Dec 19, 2023
Padang Savana Paseban Intro
Padang Savana Paseban merupakan salah satu objek wisata menarik yang terletak di Desa Sidomulyo, Kecamatan Kencong, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur. Tempat ini menawarkan pemandangan alam yang memesona dengan paduan pasir putih dan air laut yang jernih, sehingga menjadi surga untuk para pecinta alam dan wisatawan yang mencari ketenangan.
Wisata ini terletak di pinggir pantai dan dikelilingi oleh hamparan savana yang luas, sehingga menyajikan view yang sangat unik. Padang Savana Paseban juga memiliki berbagai fasilitas untuk memanjakan pengunjung, seperti akomodasi nyaman, restoran yang menawarkan masakan lokal dan seafood segar, serta toko souvenir.
Beberapa kegiatan wisata yang dapat dilakukan di sini antara lain surfing, diving, horseback riding, dan mengexplore area savana. Selain itu, tempat ini juga menjadi spot favorit untuk berfoto karena background alamanya yang indah.
- Berbagai aktivitas wisata laut dan darat
- Fasilitas lengkap untuk para wisatawan
- Lingkungan alami yang mempesona
- Mudah diakses dari kota Jember
Beberapa ulasan pengunjung mengatakan bahwa Padang Savana Paseban adalah tempat yang sangat direkomendasikan untuk liburan keluarga maupun penyuka petualangan. Mereka juga memuji keindahan alam dan layanan yang ramah.