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- The Beach at Kempinski Hotel
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel
This is a six-star hotel, offering very high quality for Bali. There are a huge number of pools and a private beach. The entire place is finished to a very high international standard. The hotel is built on a cliff face with the lobby on the 16th floor (at the top of the cliff) and the beach on level 1. It's a special treat to visit.
Jul 18, 2024
The hotel is great, but I feel like the beach area could be better. Mostly because there isn't a lot going on, and the water isn't as clear as in other places. Still, it's not bad.
Dec 20, 2024
Staying at this hotel just for the private beach is worth it.
Jul 01, 2023
The hotel itself is excellent, the grounds are beautiful, and the staff works at the highest level. However, the food by the pool isn't very good, it's more like snack bar food. We tried a lot of different items – we didn't like the pizzas or the pastas. The only thing that was tasty was the Wagyu Burger and the coconut ice cream. In general, I would recommend that they improve the food by the pool.
Dec 20, 2024
The sand on the hotel beach is very well maintained. It's clean, and there are many small crabs. There's a good balance between ecological maintenance and human use. I hope to visit this beach often!
Jun 10, 2023
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel is absolutely amazing! I loved having access to a private beach and so many pools. The service was top-notch, and the views were incredible.
Jan 17, 2025
This hotel is luxurious, and the beach is beautiful, although I agree with other reviewers that the water could be clearer. Overall, it was a fantastic experience.
Jan 27, 2025
I had a wonderful time at The Beach at Kempinski Hotel. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful, and the facilities were excellent. The beach was clean and well-maintained, and I enjoyed swimming and sunbathing.
Feb 11, 2025
This hotel is definitely a splurge, but it's worth it for the private beach and the luxurious amenities. The food by the pool could be better, but overall, it was a great stay.
Feb 04, 2025
I loved my stay at The Beach at Kempinski Hotel. The beach was beautiful, the pools were amazing, and the service was impeccable. I can't wait to go back!
Jan 26, 2025
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel Intro
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel, terletak di Benoa, Bali, adalah pantai pribadi yang eksklusif bagi tamu Kempinski Hotel. Pantai ini menawarkan pengalaman yang mewah dan tak terlupakan bagi para pengunjung yang mencari ketenangan dan keindahan alam yang menawan.
Lingkungan dan Suasana
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel memiliki lingkungan yang sangat terjaga dan bersih. Pantai ini memiliki pasir putih yang lembut dan air laut yang jernih. Suasana di pantai ini sangat tenang dan damai, sehingga cocok bagi wisatawan yang ingin bersantai dan menikmati keindahan alam tanpa gangguan.
Fasilitas dan Layanan
Sebagai pantai pribadi, The Beach at Kempinski Hotel menawarkan fasilitas dan layanan kelas atas bagi para tamunya, antara lain:
- Tumbuh-Tumbuhan Pantai: Tumbuh-tumbuhan pantai yang nyaman untuk bersantai dan menikmati pemandangan.
- Handuk Pantai: Handuk pantai yang bersih dan lembut selalu tersedia bagi para tamu.
- Layanan Makanan dan Minuman: Berbagai macam makanan dan minuman lezat dapat dipesan dan diantar langsung ke tempat Anda bersantai.
- Fasilitas Olahraga Air: Berbagai macam fasilitas olahraga air, seperti kayak, paddle board, dan snorkeling, tersedia bagi para tamu yang ingin beraktivitas di laut.
Keunikan dan Daya Tarik
Keunikan dan daya tarik utama The Beach at Kempinski Hotel adalah privasinya dan kemewahannya. Sebagai pantai pribadi, pantai ini hanya dapat diakses oleh tamu hotel, sehingga Anda dapat menikmati pantai dengan tenang dan nyaman. Selain itu, fasilitas dan layanan kelas atas yang ditawarkan juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para tamu.
Promosi The Beach at Kempinski Hotel
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel adalah destinasi yang cocok bagi wisatawan yang mencari pengalaman liburan mewah dan eksklusif di Bali. Untuk mempromosikan The Beach at Kempinski Hotel, dapat dilakukan beberapa cara, antara lain:
- Media Sosial: Membagikan foto-foto dan video yang menarik tentang The Beach at Kempinski Hotel di media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook, dan Twitter.
- Website dan Blog: Membuat artikel dan konten yang menarik tentang The Beach at Kempinski Hotel di website dan blog.
- Kerjasama dengan Agen Perjalanan: Menawarkan paket liburan yang mencakup menginap di Kempinski Hotel dan menikmati fasilitas The Beach at Kempinski Hotel.
- Iklan di Media Cetak dan Online: Memasang iklan tentang The Beach at Kempinski Hotel di media cetak dan online yang relevan.
Dengan mengunjungi The Beach at Kempinski Hotel, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman liburan yang mewah dan tak terlupakan di Bali. Keindahan alamnya yang menawan, fasilitas kelas atas, dan privasi yang terjamin akan membuat Anda merasa puas dan ingin kembali lagi.
The Beach at Kempinski Hotel FAQs
What is The Beach at Kempinski Hotel like?
It's a private beach belonging to a six-star hotel. It's known for its high quality, many pools, and well-maintained sandy beach. Some reviewers have mentioned the water clarity could be better and the pool food is average.
Is the beach clean?
Yes, the sand is very well maintained and clean.
Are there many facilities at The Beach at Kempinski Hotel?
Yes, there are many pools and other hotel amenities.
Is the food good at The Beach at Kempinski Hotel?
The hotel itself gets high praise, but some reviewers have mentioned that the food by the pool is not very good.
Is The Beach at Kempinski Hotel a good place for a luxurious vacation?
Yes, it's considered a special treat and is finished to a very high international standard.