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  5. Spot foto pantai maldives kemantren

Spot foto pantai maldives kemantren


M Muhammad Heru Nurrachmad

Pretty good photo spot for the beach here The strategic location is very popular and it will be very addictive if you stop here I feel like I want to keep wanting it because I really miss it Here you can find delicious chicken noodles and spicy claws. It's really suitable for a crowd because the price is super cheap. IDR 6,000 and you get 1 portion of chicken noodles

Jan 17, 2021

F Fathul Muin

In terms of pilgrimage, it is one of my habits and I am calmer when I am near people who are close to the Almighty Creator

Dec 10, 2021

M MHI photography

The photo spot is busy, especially in the afternoon, which is great while enjoying the sunset

Sep 04, 2020

X XVIII Channel

Unfortunately there are several damaged parts that have not been repaired

Feb 17, 2021

k kinantakaa

the construction is still not good

Nov 07, 2021

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Spot foto pantai maldives kemantren Intro

Spot Foto Pantai Maldives Kemantren adalah destinasi wisata yang populer di Jawa Timur, khususnya bagi para fotografer dan penyuka keindahan alam. Terletak di Desa Kemantren, Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan, spot ini menawarkan setting Maldives-style beach yang Instagram-worthy. Selain menjadi tempat foto favorit, pengunjung juga bisa mencicipi makanan lezat dengan harga terjangkau.

  • Strategis dan sangat populer
  • Makanan murah meriah, seperti mie ayam dan kerang sambal pedas
  • Banyakwisatawan ingin kembali karena mengesankan
  • Suasan yang menenangkan dan dekat dengan makhluk Allah

Tempat ini cocok untuk dikunjungi saat liburan atau hanya sekadar mampir. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengabadikan momen dan mencoba kuliner setempat!
