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  5. Pudak Beach

Pudak Beach


A Afgreky Kaneriyoshi

Really cool... I like this place

Nov 07, 2023

I Isnaini Putri Arilda

It's really good☝🏻⭐just got there before it was busy so entry was still free haha ​​but back then minus the bathroom I don't know if it's now But honestly, Blitar beach never fails, it's really good, poll🧊🧊🧊🧊🤍

Feb 15, 2025

K Khotibul Umam

The beach is nice and clean, the sand is white, the public facilities are not that good.... the process of improving access to the beach is still ongoing. There is still a lot of work to do... cars can only go in one direction... so if there is a deviation, you have to wait first... the entrance ticket is 10 thousand/person, car parking 10 thousand, motorbike 5 thousand

Aug 25, 2024

T Th Benedhikta Indah

This includes new beaches. From the road to the beach the road is still not very good. Can. Accessible by car. There are still few food stalls. There are public bathrooms. Can be used for camping. The beach is still very pristine. There are lots of shells everywhere and lots of dried sea animals on the cliffs. Very pleasant. The waves are not calm. Safe for small children.

Sep 19, 2024

Y Yeny

Pudak Beach is located in Ngadipuro Village, Wonotirto District, Blitar Regency. This beach is to the west of Serit Beach and can be accessed via the road along the Blitar Selatan Cross Route (JLS). Even though the road to the beach has been paved, access is still limited because the road is narrow, so visitors have to take turns when passing through. Pudak Beach has a clean and beautiful view, with fine white sand. The waves are big, so swimming is not recommended. However, visitors can enjoy the calm and beautiful beach atmosphere. Here, visitors can find several facilities, such as bathrooms, prayer rooms, and stalls selling cold or hot food and drinks. Pudak Beach is a suitable place for visitors who want to enjoy the natural beauty and calm atmosphere on the beach. Even though access is still limited, this beach remains one of the attractive destinations in Blitar Regency.

Aug 27, 2024

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Pudak Beach Intro

Pantai Pudak adalah salah satu destinasi wisata alam yang menyimpan kecantikan alami di Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Dengan pasir putih yang menghiasi pesisirnya dan air laut yang jernih, pantai ini menjadi tempat favorit untuk para pelancong yang mencari ketenangan dan pengalaman wisata yang menakjubkan.

Berlokasi di daerah Ngadipuro, Pantai Pudak terletak di sekitar area perbukitan hijau yang membentuk latar belakang yang memesona. Keindahan ini semakin ditambah dengan sunset yang romantis dan udara segar yang melingkir di sekitarnya.

  • Keistimewaan: Pantai Pudak terkenal dengan kebersihan alamnya, pasir putih, dan air laut yang jernih yang membuatnya cocok untuk wisatawan yang gemar beraktivitas di sekitar lautan.
  • Layanan Terkait: Beberapa fasilitas yang tersedia termasuk tempat duduk, payung pantai, dan kamar kecil. Ada juga warung makan yang menawarkan kuliner lokal segar.
  • Kegiatan Wisata: Pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai kegiatan seperti berselancar (surfing), kayaking, atau sekadar berjemur di bawah sinar matahari.
  • Budaya dan Tradisi: Pantai ini juga menjadi tempat dimana wisatawan dapat merasakan budaya setempat dengan mencoba makanan khas Blitar seperti sate ayam dan kerupuk.

Pantai Pudak juga sering dipuji karena atmosfer yang tenang dan nyaman. Banyak pengunjung mengomentari kebersihannya dan bagaimana mereka merasa rileks selama berada di sana. Salah satu ulasan menyebutnya sebagai "tempat yang benar-benar baik" dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan.
