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  5. Pantai Pangi Blitar (Jalur Terbaru JLS)

Pantai Pangi Blitar (Jalur Terbaru JLS)


S Sindut Qilla

If possible, access to parking directly near the beach It would be a shame if you took your parents up and down the stairs Yesterday from there I was told to park upstairs even though there is information that you can park below

Apr 17, 2024

a agustin sukistyanawati

The map is correct, I followed another map but got lost through the garden. Thank you for providing the correct guidance. The beach location is near JLS, going south for about 1 kilometer. Park motorbikes and cars on the beach, just a step away and you can sit and enjoy the view.l The manager provides tent rental. It's safe to spend the night in a tent because it is guarded by the manager. The beach is peaceful, not crowded. No need to worry about being hungry because there are several stalls. Suitable for bringing the family here. The beach is clean.

Jun 23, 2024

C Chandra Wahyu Widianto

there are 2 entry routes, the first is the upper parking and the lower parking (near the beach). If you don't want to walk, it's better to park directly at the bottom, but if you want to walk first via the bridge, you can park at the top. BTW, when I was there there was also a JLS follow-up project

Jan 30, 2024

S Supernova Aslan

This is the correct map, the other maps are misleading. This route can be used by Hiace cars to the parking area in the beach area The beach is safe and comfortable for family tourism. There are several stalls, a prayer room and toilets. You can spend the night in camping under the care of a tourist manager. It's safe.

Jun 23, 2024

A Agis Eomma Keun

The map is right at the entrance, then directed by the manager, so you don't get lost. The beach makes you peaceful. Calm. The sand is clean. Many stalls selling food. Food prices are reasonable. There are tent rentals. Can camp overnight. There's someone on guard at night.

Jun 23, 2024

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Pantai Pangi Blitar (Jalur Terbaru JLS) Intro

Pantai Pangi Blitar (Jalur Terbaru JLS) adalah destinasi wisata yang menjanjikan di kota Blitar, Jawa Timur. Letaknya yang strategis dan dekat dengan rute Jalur Lintas Selatan (JLS) membuat pantai ini menjadi tujuan favorit untuk berbagai kegiatan liburan. Dengan pasir putih dan air laut yang tenang, Pantai Pangi Blitar cocok untuk wisatawan yang mencari ketenangan dan keindahan alam.

Beachgoers can enjoy the convenience of parking their vehicles near the beach, making it easy to access and explore the area. The presence of several food stalls nearby ensures visitors won't go hungry while enjoying the scenic views.

  • Lokasi yang dekat dengan JLS dan hanya 1 kilometer ke selatan dari titik tertentu
  • Mudah untuk parkir mobil atau motor di pinggir pantai
  • Ketersediaan papan petunjuk yang jelas membantu wisatawan dalam mencapai lokasi
  • Pemandangan alam yang menawan dan sepi, ideal untuk berlibur bersama keluarga
  • Beach manager provides tent rental for those who want to stay overnight in a safe and guarded area

Berdasarkan ulasan pengunjung:

  • Pengunjung puas dengan kualitas pelayanan dan kemudahan akses
  • Lingkungan yang bersih dan nyaman menambahkan nilai positif untuk kunjungan berkeluarga

Selain itu, pantai ini juga merupakan tempat yang aman untuk menginap di dalam tenda karena ada penjaga yang bertugas selama malam. Dengan segala kelebihannya, Pantai Pangi Blitar menjadi alternatif wisata yang menjanjikan di daerah Blitar.
