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  5. Pantai Balanan

Pantai Balanan


R Reno locancang


Aug 30, 2020

e entop topan

nice beach

Jan 24, 2018

P Putut Wjkr

The route from KRTN cubicle sejile to Balanan beach with non-asphalt access can be taken R2 R4 to Merak Beach village. Continue non-asphalt to the Air Karang Beach Village, from the Air Karang Beach Village access can only be accessed by R2 through the mangrove forest and then arrive at the Lempuyang Beach Village, continue through the steep rock hills in the Simacan Beach area, combing the Mangrove Forest Beach through the village of the Balanan Resort Office Area. , you must get permission from the Balanan resort office officer and you can be accompanied by an officer to the hill and Kakapa beach and continue to the beach which is still natural, clean and enters the primary conservation area, namely Balanan Beach. You cannot continue to Black Rock Beach and Bama Beach because of different authorities and also because prime area for wildlife such as tigers, snakes, deer whose ecosystem is still maintained, the staff are kind, friendly, educative, paid off the tiredness of the trip with beautiful beaches, thank you Balanan

Oct 08, 2024

J Jihu Kocek123

The road is in ruins, tickets are expensive, it's not recommended for those who ride a bicycle, it's better to go to another beach, for those who take the gas trail, it's good, for those who take a car, if you want to go there, think first, it's safe to use the car, hopefully the road access will be fixed safely. ” Oh the tour

Jan 01, 2025

A Ahmad Munif

Great but the route to get there

Oct 09, 2024

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Pantai Balanan Intro

Pantai Balanan adalah destinasi wisata yang menjanjikan di Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Dengan keindahan alamnya yang memukau dan pasir putih yang melambai, pantai ini menjadi tempat favorit untuk berbagai kegiatan outdoor.Selain itu, Pantai Balanan juga menyediakan fasilitas pendukung seperti area parkir, warung makan, dan tempat rekreasi yang nyaman.

Berlokasi di Area Hutan/Kebun, Sumberwaru, Kec. Banyuputih, Kabupaten Situbondo, Pantai Balanan dapat menjadi pilihan wisata yang menyenangkan untuk Anda dan keluarga. Dengan jadwal operasional yang menyesuaikan setiap hari, Anda bisa mengunjungi pantai ini pada saat-saat tertentu.

  • Waktu Buka: Senin - Rabu (07.00 - 16.00 WIB), Sabtu (07.00 - 16.00 WIB), dan Minggu (07.30 - 16.00 WIB)
  • Tutup pada Kamis dan Jumat
  • Fasilitas: Area parkir, warung makan, tempat duduk, dan fasilitas umum lainnya
  • Kondisi Alami: Pasir putih, air laut biru, dan pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan

Beberapa ulasan positif dari pengunjung:

  • "Wonderful experience! Pantai ini sangat indah."
  • "Pasirnya lembut, lautnya biru! Cocok untuk liburan keluarga."


Monday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday, Closed
Friday, Closed
Saturday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
