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  5. Obyek Wisata Goa Gajah

Obyek Wisata Goa Gajah


A Annie Sobol

The Goa Gajah Elephant Cave is a fascinating historical site, but be prepared for a somewhat steep walk down into the temple area. There are quite a few stairs to navigate, so it might be a bit challenging for those with mobility issues. However, the effort is well worth it! The cave itself is intriguing, with its menacing entrance and ancient relics. The surrounding gardens and bathing pools add to the serene atmosphere. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes and take your time on the way down.

Oct 23, 2024


A beautiful, peaceful spot in Ubud. Goa Gajah is not just a temple, but a sacred place full of history and culture. Walking through the grounds, you can feel the spiritual energy, and the carvings inside the cave are absolutely stunning. Highly recommend visiting!

Feb 03, 2025

M Mariam Ossama

NOT THAT IMPRESSIVE. Wouldn't travel far to go see this. Would only recommend you to go if it's on your way. The only nice thing is the entrance of the cave. Other than that, nothing impressive. Ticket is cheap, 50K. They give you a sarong at the entrance but you could get your own. At the entrance, people will approach you claiming to guide you for 200K. It wasn't worth it as there's not much to see and was just a waste of money. There are some shops at the area.

Oct 06, 2024

P Patrycja Zając

The cave itself and the garden with a waterfall are nice, but overall it is not super impressive. There are so many beautiful temples in Bali, even next to the streets, that this one is not a must-see. Also, keep in mind that they give you a free sarong when you enter the place with a ticket. When we parked our scooter, we were immendiately given sarongs from one of the ladies selling it that told us that we had to buy before entering which wasn't true.

Sep 30, 2024

G Grace F

Small and simple spot, with a tiny cave packed full of offerings. We caught it right after a full moon ceremony, so the place was decked out with fresh decorations. Not a ton to see, but it’s a nice little stop if you're in the mood for a quick, touristy detour.

Oct 20, 2024

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Obyek Wisata Goa Gajah Intro

Goa Gajah, atau yang dikenal sebagai Gua Gajah, adalah salah satu objek wisata budaya terkenal di Bali. Terletak di Desa Tampaksiring, Kecamatan Gianyar, Goa Gajah menawarkan pengalaman sejarah dan budaya yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sebagai cagar budaya, tempat ini memiliki nilai spiritual dan sejarah yang mendalam.

Goa Gajah terkenal karena bentuk masukannya yang menakutkan dan dekorasi batu karang yang kuno. Tempat ini tidak hanya menjadi tempat ibadah untuk umat Hindu, tetapi juga menjadi daya tarik wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara. Keindahan alam dan arsitektur Gotung yang unik memanjakan mata pengunjung.

Beberapa fitur menarik yang bisa ditemukan di Goa Gajah antara lain:

  • Lingkungan taman yang asri dengan kolam-kolam peneduh
  • Museum kecil yang memamerkan benda-benda sejarah dan budaya
  • Cerita mitos dan sejarah yang mendalam tentang tempat ini
  • Pemandangan alam yang memesona di sekitarnya

Beberapa ulasan pengunjung mengatakan bahwa Goa Gajah adalah tempat yang menenangkan dan penuh energi spiritual. Namun, bagi mereka yang memiliki masalah mobilitas, perlu mempersiapkan diri karena ada beberapa anak tangga yang harus ditempuh untuk mencapai area utama.

Rekomendasi: Pastikan untuk mengenakan sepatu nyaman dan tidak terburu-buru saat menjelajahi Goa Gajah. Nikmati keindahan dan sejarahnya dengan hati-hati!


Monday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
