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- Nusa penida
Nusa penida
It's the very muddy road and not good condition. Don't eat too much before you hit on the road. The scenes are amazing for three places we went. Prepare for the storage of phone to take a lot of pictures.
Feb 13, 2025
This is one of the most crowded and trashiest tourist locations I have visited. The view of the water is beautiful, but the view of trash and elbowing tourists for a view is absolutely not worth it for this grumpy old man. Literally the picture posted is right next to the main overlook.
Sep 25, 2024
What a beautiful view, definitely worth going there because in real life it looks 1000 better! Although the road to the location needs fixing 🤧
Jan 26, 2025
Definitely a lot of beautiful scenery and sights to see around the island, but a lot of time is spent commuting to each location. If you're going to more than 3 locations, half your time is spent driving. It's terrible for those who have motion sickness because there are a lot of windy roads, ups and downs, and pot holes. I recommend getting your own fast boat ticket online in advance and booking a private driver on the island to be cost efficient. Be sure to bring extra cash because each place may have varying entrance fees. Having a private driver is good because you can change your plans mid way. Contact me if you need contacts for a private driver and where to book online for best pricing. Tickets are expensive if you buy directly at the booking offices in Sanur. I would give this place 4.5 stars.
Jun 01, 2024
This is one of the most beautiful places I've seen in Bali. Breathtaking. Unfortunately the main view point is absolutely swamped with pushy, arrogant tourists (the worst being the Russians and the east Asians), many telling you to move because THEY are taking pictures (you're all crammed along the cliff edge with very little personal space, it isn't safe). However, the best thing is that the same tourists are there just for the viewpoint and are mostly too lazy to descend the steps to the beach, so the further you go down, the further you get away from the crowds. Try and visit the place outside of the hours for 1000-1500 because this is when the day trippers from Bali descend on Nusa Penida. This spot is their first stop. It's a steep and uneven walk down. Good footwear a must. An easier way to visit the beach is to take a boat.
Apr 21, 2024
Nusa penida Intro
Nusa Penida adalah destinasi wisata yang menawan dan mempesona di Bali. Terletak tidak jauh dari pulau utama Bali, Nusa Penida menawarkan pemandangan alam yang luar biasa dengan paduan indah antara lautan biru dan bukit-bukit hijau. Dikenal sebagai "hidden gem" karena keindahan alamanya yang belum banyak terjamah, pulau ini menjadi surga bagi para pecinta alam dan fotografi.
Beberapa tempat wisata menarik di Nusa Penida termasuk:
- Lanskap alami yang memesona dengan perbukitan hijau
- Pantai-pantai indah dengan air biru jernih
- Kebudayaan lokal yang kaya dan tradisi yang beragam
- Megafauna laut seperti ikan pari manta dan lumba-lumba (dolphin) Nusa Penida
- Terrain menantang untuk kegiatan ekowisata dan hiking
Nusa Penida juga terkenal dengan jalan setapak yang berkelok-kelok dan panoramanya yang memukau. Beberapa penduduk lokal sangat ramah dan akan memberikan informasi wisata yang bermanfaat selama kunjungan Anda.
Beberapa ulasan positif dari wisatawan:
- "Pemandangan di Nusa Penida sungguhan menakjubkan! Persiapkan kamera Anda untuk mengambil banyak gambar."
- "Sangat cocok untuk yang menyukai alam dan petualangan, tetapi pastikan untuk tidak makan berlebihan sebelum treking karena jalanannya bisa sangat berdebu."
Walaupun ada beberapa ulasan yang mengeluhkan kondisi jalan dan keramaian di lokasi tertentu, kebanyakan wisatawan setuju bahwa Nusa Penida adalah destinasi yang tidak boleh dilewatkan ketika berkunjung ke Bali.