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  5. MantaCliff



R Rhys Davies

Drive to it can be a bit sketchy. Good place to see them from above, we must have seen about 10 manta rays from above. Once u get to the point on your moped follow a little path around to the left then follow another one behind the temple then you'll eventually find a little opening with no bushes covering your view. Probably a 2/3 minute walk from where you park up.

Nov 04, 2024

S Stephen HcfPorsche

The last 1.5km of "road" is dangerous and I'd recommend riding over it if you are a confident/competent on 2 wheels due to it being loose rocks and stones and steep gradients. Parts of the path are only rideable on the wrong side, so exercise extreme caution for scooters coming the other way on a steep gradient. There's free parking and a nice guy there selling drinks, petrol and snorkel trips scheduled for a few times in the morning and at 2pm.

Oct 27, 2024

K Kamil Adamski

The road to this place was very bumpy, I wasn't sure if my scooter would make it. It might be a good idea to park your scooter 1.5 km before the destination and walk the rest of the way. The views were absolutely amazing; I highly recommend visiting!

Sep 15, 2024

t thejoyfulexplorers

Accidentally found this spot rather than Manta Point but LOVED it. Absolutely no-one around, a stunning sunset view and we saw 3 manta rays in the water below. Breathtaking views 😍 final bit of the road isn’t great but we managed fine on a scooter. A real hidden gem on Penida and it was completely free!

Aug 04, 2024

d denian lampert

Quite a bit of broken road at the end but worth the view. We searched for a viewpoint behind the temple but could not find anything better towards the west. Best is just before the temple where there must have been a little bar

Dec 29, 2024

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MantaCliff 1
MantaCliff 2
MantaCliff 0
MantaCliff 1
MantaCliff 2

MantaCliff Intro

Selamat datang di MantaCliff, tempat wisata yang menawan di pulau Nusa Penida, Bali. Datangi tempat ini untuk mengenal lebih dekat dengan kehidupan bawah laut dan melihat manta ray dari ketinggian. Lokasi ini menjadi favorit bagi para penyelam dan wisatawan yang ingin merasakan ketakjubahan alam bawah laut.

  • Lokasi yang strategis di Banjar Peguyangan, Batukandik
  • Pemandangan manta ray dari atas dengan jumlah hingga 10 ekor
  • Beberapa kilometer terakhir jalan menantang dengan batu dan tanjakan curam
  • Area parkir gratis dan fasilitas penjual minuman
  • Kelilingi tempat ini untuk menyaksikan pemandangan yang spektakuler

MantaCliff juga menawarkan wisatawan untuk ikut dalam tur snorkeling yang dijadwalkan beberapa kali pada pagi hari dan pukul 2 siang. Datangi MantaCliff dengan menggunakan sepeda motor, tetapi waspadalah karena jalan setelah 1,5 km terakhir dapat menjadi tantangan.

Beberapa ulasan pengunjung:

  • "Perjalanan ke sini agak menyulitkan, tetapi pemandangan manta ray dari atas sungguh menakjubkan."
  • "Sang penjual minuman ramah dan membantu. Tempat ini layak dikunjungi!"

Dengan segala keunikan dan daya tariknya, MantaCliff adalah destinasi yang tak boleh dilewatkan ketika Anda berkunjung ke Nusa Penida.
