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- Buyan Lake
Buyan Lake
Exploring Bali holds its magic, with a scenic 2-hour ride from Denpasar adding to the charm. Camping overnight, we savored BBQ delights and immersed ourselves in the serene night. The next morning unfolds with a stunning view of Buyan Lake around 6 AM. With the camping ground providing food, essentials, and tents, there's no need to burden yourself with extra preparations. Will go back there soon!
Jan 13, 2024
A good view of the lake with the temple behind but entry to Pura Ulun Danu Buyan is not allowed. Witnessed a lot of locals coming there for a day out and also a good place for camping. Not sure about the costs. The entrance fee was 10000 IDR.
Jun 30, 2023
The beauty of this lake is like in a fairy tale. His authority is strengthened by the cold air that characterizes this area. The uniqueness of this lake is that it is located in the highlands. There is also an area for camping located right in front of the lake which is equipped with public toilets, sellers of firewood to make bonfires and also sellers of food and drinks. Many people camp on weekends or other holidays on the condition that they only pay a low-cost lake maintenance contribution.
Mar 12, 2023
I recently had a camping on this lake, and the view is very, very fantastic, the lake is very clean, then the ground camp is also neatly arranged so it's not difficult to find a spot for camping, then the view displayed on Lake Buyan is very beautiful from the appearance of the mountain and also the beauty nature of course the facilities are complete because in the camp area there are provided bathrooms which are quite clean, but there is an entry ticket fee which is quite affordable for those who want to camp there. overall Lake Buyan is the most beautiful place to do camp, especially for gathering with friends, this place is the most suitable.
May 06, 2023
Nice place for easy camping, some shop around and there are some gazebo to take a shelter from the rain, the entrance fee is Rp.10.000 per person. The place is a bit muddy because it often rains and a lot of plastic waste tucked in the grass makes its beauty less.
May 06, 2022
Buyan Lake Intro
Berlokasi di Jl. Raya Wanagiri, Wanagiri, Kec. Sukasada, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali 81161, Indonesia, Danau Buyan adalah salah satu destinasi wisata yang menawan dan terkenal di Bali. Dengan keindahan alamnya yang luar biasa, Danau Buyan menjadi tempat favorit untuk wisatawan yang ingin merasakan ketenangan dan kecantikan pemandangan alam bali.
Beberapa fitur menarik dari Danau Buyan antara lain:
- Lingkungan dan Keindahan Alam: Danau Buyan terkenal dengan airnya yang jernih dan dikelilingi oleh pegunungan hijau. Pemandangan sunrise di pagi hari adalah salah satu momen yang tidak boleh dilewatkan.
- Fasilitas Wisata: Tempat ini menawarkan berbagai macam fasilitas wisata, termasuk tempat camping dan area untuk bersantap. Beberapa pengunjung bahkan membawa tenda dan melakukan BBQ di lokasi.
- Ciri Khas: Danau Buyan adalah habitat dari Pura Ulun Danu Buyan, yang merupakan candi air terkenal di Bali. Walaupun tidak semua bagian dari pura terbuka untuk wisatawan, pemandangan dari luar saja sudah memukau.
- Informasi Promosi: Beberapa pengunjung telah merasakan pengalaman camping yang menyenangkan dan menikmati makanan yang disajikan di lokasi. Tak heran jika tempat ini menjadi favorit para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara.
Berdasarkan ulasan dari wisatawan, tempat ini adalah:
- Tempat yang menawan untuk melihat Danau Buyan dan Pura Ulun Danu Buyan.
- Mudah diakses dengan perjalanan sekitar 2 jam dari Denpasar.
- Banyak wisatawan lokal yang datang untuk menghabiskan hari libur.
Selain itu, beberapa pengunjung juga menyarankan untuk membawa kamera karena pemandangan di sini sangat cocok untuk difoto. Jika Anda berencana untuk berkunjung, disarankan untuk memastikan segala persiapan matang, terutama di musim liburan.