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Bayan Ancient Tree


S Sherley Sie

Ancient tree..... Google map navigation Bayan Ancient Tree, about 1 hour drive You need to bring cash. There is a small kiosk at the door with free charge. We were given 50k with a book to register our name, country and number. The tree guard is very talkative and will tell you many stories about the tree. This 70-meter tall, 700-year-old strangulated banyan tree has veins shaped like blood vessels, and its wide network of roots wraps everything tightly. Accompanied by the rustling of leaves blown by the wind, birds chirping, and the occasional butterfly flying by, you can feel the connection between humans and trees n feel the power of calm n acceptance....

Feb 12, 2025

G Gusti Ayu Mawarani

Amazing experience to witness the very old tree in Bali. Entrance fee paid by donation, please be generous as the lady who welcomes you is very lovely. Visitors can climb the tree and spend time as long as they need. Nearby is restaurant with local and western food, so we can have a chill after.

Oct 23, 2024

A Agnese Zagata

It’s truly amazing! 🤩 It feels a really special and lovely tree. Easy accessible by car or scooter. Entrance by donation only I believe it’s definitely worth visiting. Perfect stop if travelling north.

Dec 02, 2024

E Evert jan Hoek

Only a 50 minutes motorbike drive away from Canggu area you can visit this huge, old and sacred Tree. Free entrance but a donation is appreciated. Great place for a short day trip

Jan 26, 2025

M Marina Serbianu

amazing place. It's good to be there in the morning. We arrived at 8:00 and we were single tourists. Can take beautiful photos and enjoy the silence with the tree more than 700 years old.

Jun 30, 2024

Bayan Ancient Tree 0
Bayan Ancient Tree 0

Bayan Ancient Tree Intro

Bayan Ancient Tree adalah destinasi wisata alam yang tak terlupakan di Bali, khususnya di Kabupaten Tabanan. Terletak di H5VP 9QF, Tua, Marga, ini adalah tujuan yang sempurna untuk mereka yang ingin merasakan kehangatan dan kekaguman alam. Dengan pohon banyan yang berusia 700 tahun dan tinggi 70 meter, tempat ini menawarkan pengalaman yang unik dan mempesona.

Untuk mengakses Bayan Ancient Tree, wisatawan dapat melakukan perjalanan sekitar 1 jam dari lokasi terdekat. Saat berkunjung, silakan membawa uang tunai karena tempat ini menerima donasi untuk biaya masuk. Di pintu gerbang, Anda akan diberikan buku tamu dan diarahkan untuk mendaftar informasi pribadi.

Salah satu daya tarik utama adalah penghujung banyan yang terkenal dengan sistem akar yang menyerupai pembuluh darah dan lingkaran akarnya yang rapat. Anda juga dapat merasakan koneksi antara manusia dan alam melalui suara angin yang mengembang, nyanyian burung, dan kehadiran kupu-kupu.

Beside the main attraction, visitors can climb the tree and spend as much time as they want. The friendly guard who shares stories about the tree adds to the experience, making it more interactive and educational.

  • Be prepared to bring cash for the entrance fee by donation
  • Free registration at the kiosk with a booklet
  • Ability to climb the ancient tree
  • Calm and peaceful atmosphere surrounded by nature
  • Surrounding area with local and Western food options

Banyak pelancong yang telah datang ke Bayan Ancient Tree dan meninggalkan ulasan positif. Mereka menikmati ramahnya petugas, pengalaman unik dalam merayap di pohon banyan, serta atmosfir yang tenang yang mendorong meditasi dan refleksi.
