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  5. Baros Beach

Baros Beach


A Arman Yahya

They preserve the nature from the mangrove trees and the birds nests. Plus most important is the mangrove trees are protecting the farm land nearby which they grow from paddy to unions plus corns that grow very well.

Mar 03, 2019

M Muhammad fauzan

there is a river before the beach. in the morning, before the tidal waves its narrow, but in the evening its come deeper. btw, such as a beautiful sunset :)

Apr 28, 2019

z zanida nurul latifah

i love it

Oct 11, 2024

R Raden Oktova Gamma Star

An unattended but still popular seaside attraction for young people at the River Opak estuary. The main attraction is a small green grass field with trees (savanna) with a bamboo bridge, gazebos, a view to the estuary and its inlet (fee: IDR 3,000.-). Some restrooms remain operational and clean enough. The old musholla (moslem praying place) has long been closed, but visitors can pray at a two-floor view post. On my recent stop, the savanna was flooded. Spacious parking lots for motorbikes (parking fee: IDR 3,000.-).

Oct 02, 2023

A Aria Dhika Rayendra

Currently needs a lot of improvement in the area. Trashes are everywhere and they're needed to be cleaned. There's a camping site but lacks information on how to get permission to camp and also the bridge feels unsafe.

Jul 04, 2022

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