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  5. Air Terjun Maelang

Air Terjun Maelang


A Abdullah Saparingga


Feb 05, 2022

d dhanang wap

Its location in a teak forest adds to the sensation of traveling differently from others, the road access is quite easy, but quiet and with minimal signs, there is no vehicle storage, so make sure your vehicle is safe when you leave it playing, there are also no stalls or people selling food and drinks on site, so it's best to bring supplies when visiting there, for bathing or just playing in the water.

Oct 20, 2023

S Sandi Ismoyo

Maelang Waterfall is located in the Teak Tree Plantation area, Wuluhan, Jember, East Java. This waterfall is not a super high waterfall. However, Maelang is delicious enough to cure adventurers' longing for waterfalls. The water flow that flows from top to bottom is only around 3 meters. The water from this waterfall comes from a spring on the hill above. The water discharge depends on the intensity of local rain. If it rains frequently for days on end, the water discharge will be greater. There is no entrance fee for this tour. If you bring a vehicle, just leave it with residents around the garden and give it as they please. Happy traveling!

Mar 31, 2019

A August Rhequivalent

It has good views, beautiful and shady teak forests. And it has 2 waterfalls. The first is located 329 meters from the entrance gate/parking area and the second is located 387 meters from the first waterfall. And if you are going to visit this tourist spot, please be careful when going to this place. Because road access is still not good and uneven in the form of dusty and winding rocky roads. And the road access to the entrance gate or parking area is still not good, in the form of a winding and narrow dirt road.

May 27, 2017

B BKPH wuluhan

Maelang waterfall is located to the north of the foot of Mount Watangan, precisely in plot 13 RPH Puger BKPH Wuluhan BH Londo Lampesan. According to the local community, the origin of the name Maelang comes from the word Mailang (maILANG)/lost, this term is taken from the natural nature of the river which flows on limestone rocks, where the water is strong at the top, then decreases in certain areas and returns to flow quickly in lower areas. Maelang is geographically located on the astronomical line 8º23'09.0" South Latitude 113º30'42.3" East Longitude and 8º22'54.1" South Latitude 113º30'42.3" East Latitude Maelang is in climate type D in the Schmidt and Fergusson climate classification (based on BKPH Wuluhan rainfall data 0.600

Jun 28, 2017

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Air Terjun Maelang Intro

Selamat datang di Air Terjun Maelang, tempat wisata alam yang menjanjikan pengalaman berbeda di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur. Dengan lokasi yang tersembunyi di dalam hutan teak, Air Terjun Maelang menjadi tujuan favorit untuk pecinta alam dan fotografi.

Anda dapat menikmati udara segar dan khitar hijau saat mengunjungi tempat ini. Beberapa fasilitas yang tersedia termasuk area rekreasi, parkir kendaraan, dan toilet umum. Namun, disarankan untuk membawa makanan dan minuman sendiri karena tidak ada pedagang kaki lima di lokasi ini.

  • Lokasi yang tersembunyi dengan akses jalan mudah tetapi tenang
  • Miliki keindahan air terjun yang menjanjikan pengalaman berendam dan berswafoto
  • Eco-friendly dengan khitar hijau dan udara segar
  • Fasilitas parkir dan toilet umum tersedia

Berdasarkan ulasan dari pengunjung, Air Terjun Maelang memberikan atmosfir yang menenangkan. Namun, sebagian besar pengunjung merekomendasikan untuk membawa makanan sendiri karena tidak ada pedagang di lokasi ini.
